A message from Jack Makani

Dear FriendsUpgrade of the Akasha System.The speed of transformation at the unseen levels are accelerating very fast and my sister and I have very recently been blessed with 3 new Akasha symbols for the Akasha System.As some of you may remember this system has been...

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Akasha with Jack Makani ONLINE

Dear Friends - in April Makani Academy has finished the first online Akasha Training ever. It was a wonderful surprise to realize that the online initiations during this training confirmed our initial test result - it works and it works good. We were a smaller group...

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Makani Academy travel to Peru

Initial Program for Makani Academy travel to Peru in February. (ниже на русском) “When the greatest masters of this planet walked the Earth, you could see the feminine within their masculinity.They were soft and you could see it in their eyes. They reflected that...

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Timeline Transformation Seminar October 26 -28, 2019

The Three day Timeline Transformation Seminar – “The way to the life you really want”! When: 26th – 28th October at the Journalist Village (next to Larnaca Airport) in Pervolia village. Language: English with Russian translation. Trainer: Jack Makani who have been...

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Тренинг Акаша на горе Шаста в Калифорнии 4-8 сентября 2019

Дорогие друзья! Мы со Светланой приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в Америке с 4 по 8 сентября, на тренинг Акаша на горе Шаста (Калифорния).Это особое место: место открытия, место для получения сообщений из незримого мира, место, где можно узнать свою роль...

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Гора Шаста. Чем она уникальна?

Тренинг Акаша на горе Шаста в Калифорнии 4-8 сентября 2019 Аномальные энергии на горе Шаста Во всем мире есть места, издревле известные своими сверхестественными энергиями и загадочными явлениями. Сегодня эксперты признают, что эти «священные места» во всем мире...

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Shasta mountain. Why is it so special?

Spiritual Akasha Journey to Mt. Shasta in California 4th – 8th September 2019. Anomalous Energies at Mount Shasta All over the world there are places anciently known for their anomalous energies and mysterious phenomenon. Today experts recognize that these...

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Intuition: what is that and how does it work?

That’s one of the very good questions isn´t it? First of all I think it works differently from person to person. I think that it sometimes may be a communication from your deeper inner core – what we also call the spirit, the Higher Self, Higher Inspiration or maybe...

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Online self-coach practitioner

The essential 7 Step program to Self Exploration and Mastery Enhanced and practical learning The training will be supported by video´s and audio´s and will also be supported by some homework in between the teaching sessions. Is based on the book called “Self-coaching...

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