Dear Jack.
I'd like to say thank you for a great teaching at the big international training of trainers in Armenia. 
We were 14 days under your teaching, care, atention, love & professional control.

The studing was hard, but intense.

You teached us a lot of useful things.

Now I know how to use my voice, body, rapport, the 4MAK- model, the methaphors and many more. 
You showed us not only NLP, but much more.

Thank you for your magic lessons, big heard and a wonderful aura.

I wish you and dear Svetlana Charkovskaya good luck, great love and thankful students.

Irina Kimkova

Я училась у Джека Макани на курсе «Тренинг Тренеров» в рамках двухнедельного интенсива, который организовал Вектор Роста в Армении с 14.06 по 28.06.19.

По профессии я врач и больше 15 лет являюсь внутренним тренером западных фармацевтических компаний. То есть, в тренингах не новичок, и обучений проходила достаточно. И по собственным навыкам, и в формате «train to trainers», когда получала права преподавать уже существующие, созданные профессионалами, программы. И неплохие программы, кстати. Умела создавать свои курсы, у меня есть авторские тренинги.

Чего мне не хватало?

Всем бизнес-тренерам заметно, с каким трудом участники прорываются иногда через собственные сопротивления, как немного реально освоивших новый навык в рамках любого тренинга. И как бывает немало тех, кто сдаётся и оставляет попытки развивать новый навык сразу за дверями класса, особенно когда не получает «полевой» поддержки коуча на рабочем месте.

Что дал двухнедельный курс с Джеком? Прежде всего, понимание, как можно применить психологического уровня трансформационный коучинг в рамках бизнес тренинга, а не индивидуальной сессии, а, значит, сделать программу гораздо более эффективной, поскольку участники смогут встретиться с собственными барьерами на пути развития и тут же проработать их при поддержке тренера.

Это самое главное, за чем я шла и что получила в результате.

Джек поразил меня тем, как молод он душой, как понимает молодых, как призывает смело экспериментировать, как держит руку на пульсе тенденций развития wellness индустрии в будущем и щедро делится своими открытиями.

Но главное, он не «ломал» никого из нас, ни опытных тренеров, ни начинающих. Не подгонял по своей стандарт, а помогал стать «улучшенной версией себя». Безошибочно видит и поддерживает сильные стороны персоны тренера, указывает направление, в каком полезно развиваться.

«Постройте свой рай и пригласите в него других, вы можете дать надежду тем, кто не видит пути» - прекрасная миссия современного тренера. Джек напутствовал нас такими словами, и я абсолютно согласна, что тренер должен делать именно это.

Было ли просто? Нет. Это было испытание и преодоление себя. Жесткий тайминг, дисциплина процесса, учебные 15ти, 30ти, 45ти минутные учебные тренинги практически каждый день, в том числе и преподавание в паре. Отклики из первой, второй и третьей позиции. И экзаменационный тренинг на час в финале.

«Сколько бы вы раньше ни работали над собой, ваша трансформация, как профессионала, начинается именно сейчас» - было сказано в первый день курса, и это тоже оказалось правдой.

Анна Крутова

The Akasha Healing & personal Empowerment System is for sure the best blessing. It has changed my life for good.

Dorthe Gyldenkaerne

Psychotherapist, Akasha Master healer, NLP, Enneagram & Holistic Trainer, Ad astra

“Thank you so much Jack for a unique experience and care! It was a very exciting journey in time. A lot of emotions and emotions. Personally for me, these two and a half days are priceless!”

Marina Zavgorodnjaja

Akasha has for me been the most effectful way of dealing with stress and anxiety. Akasha provides me with great tools helping me to find back to my core self, when the world gets too busy and demanding. Reminding me of the importance of my breath and my state of mind, heart and body.


Marianne Bigum

Professional Fundraiser, Bigum Consult, Denmark

When I came across the title “Akasha Training” some years ago, I had no external clue on what transformations, going to the seminars, would bring into my life. Yet, in some mysterious way, I felt something inside me trying to reach my attention, stronger than I never experienced before. I was called from the inside of my physical being, to act now, on what I haven’t been able to act on earlier in my life. I was finally ready. It was time.

Jack Makani, with his long professional career in personal development on the deepest levels, helped me to awaken the deepest part of me that have been sleeping for ages. So openhearted, so full of respect for every person present, a safe place was established for me to release my deepest traumas, connect to my inner wisdom, strength, courage, and trust in myself so profoundly, that I don’t even have the words to describe it.
Illusions are falling apart even long after, and I am becoming more present in the now, with every breath I take as the days go by. As a byproduct of that, I am now able, to use the mastery of true personal transformation, create the life that I want, and help others to do the same themselves. I cannot describe it. It just has to be experienced. My deepest and most sincere recommendation, that I have ever expressed in words are going to Jack Makani and his team of healers all over the world. If you like me, have this voice from within, trying to call you, please listen.


Kristian Brandt

Coach & Holistic Master Healer, Copenhagen, Denmark

Makani has been an invaluable support and part of my journey during the last 12 years and has really made a difference in my life as human being and as professional.  I am deeply grateful for that.  I have learned to help myself – and help others – using NLP and Akasha, which is an effective and gentle way helping people change, transform and unfold. 
Now NLP and Akasha are invaluable part of my daily work as a Psychotherapist. 
I have had the best teachers. 


Karin Nilsson

Intl cert. Psychotherapist. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Just recently ended the training training with jack makani in Cyprus, where I gladly met old friends and acquired new ones!
It was 6 days of learning and, most importantly, that almost every minute of these days was filled with awareness and understanding of their own thoughts and actions.
Friends, I have been very pleased to learn from you: love for nature, the ability to be in the moment “here and now”, unconditional love with all the heart, the ability to go beyond your own opportunities, magic in every moment, the lightness of the perception of
Thank you so much for this experience jack makani and all of you!


Margarita Telunts

Akasha Training in Hawaii is something very different from our previous trainings. It does not look like classic trainings which you may have become accustomed. Here is a beautiful experience from one of our participants certified in 2009.  She is Mina Kristoffersen from Norway. She finds Akasha Training in Hawaii a very different training and could change her whole perception about life.

Her expectation
With high expectations, I was getting on a plane at Heathrow in London the most important journey of my life. Hawaii is the 50th US state located in the Pacific Ocean. I travelled 44 hours from Norway to London, then to Chicago, then to Dallas and finally to Honolulu. The purpose of my trip was to participate in the Akasha Training by Jack Makani. Until then, I had participated in the Akasha training in Norway, Denmark and Cyprus. I had already gone through several initiations and this time I was going to initiate Level 5. So I was expecting that the training structure will be less familiar to me; as it turned out later, I was very surprised. I had 2 days before the training to adapt to the difference in the time zone. The long trip made it felt in the body. I sat down in the cozy family hotel Uncle Billy’s Hilo Bay Hotel on the coast.

Energy was in the air
Couple of hours after landing, I began to feel the energy in the body of the island. At the same time, powerful and quiet energy of the island gave me a sense of security and more ground. It is said that Island of Hawaii is connected with the energy of Root Chakra, and I could feel the energy. Altogether, there were 39 Norwegian and Danes participants (including Jack and Helene Makani) in the training. We spent 8 days on 2 islands. In the beginning of the training, our team leader presented the plan. I assumed that this training will be completely different to the usual Akasha training. If you have been to Akasha training, you might know about the psychical dancing meditations to clean up your energy and make you stronger. On this seminar the islands are supposed to do that job.

Good morning
Every morning we gathered on the Coconut Islands right outside the hotel. We did exercises using symbols Akasha and meditate. We had a fantastic view of Mount Mauna Kea, the top of which was covered with snow. Simply fantastic!

Meeting with Pelé:
Pele – Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire. She is a very powerful warrior and totally unpredictable. She is the earth and fire; she is the “mother” of Hawaii. Pele has a powerful force that can sometimes misunderstand. Pele teaches us that fire purifies, releases us from the past creating a space for something new. Pele sparks fire and passion in us.

Today we were going to meet this energy. We were visiting to Kilauea an active volcano on the Hawaiian Islands.

As soon as we got out of the cars in the nose hits the smell of smoke. Pele welcomed us with her natural smell. We had 3 hours for individual contact with this energy. I descend into the crater and experienced a powerful energy inside me. End of the day we spent on the beach of volcanic park.

Pu’uhono of Honauno
After the morning yoga and breakfast, we went to Honauno. Honauno is the ancient sacred refuge – a place of forgiveness.  In the Hawaiian tradition it was a divine place offering to someone who had violated a taboo a new chance. No violence or bloodshed could take place at this place. One taboo was that no common person were allowed to be close to the King. Another were that women could not cook for men and eat together with them. Violating a taboo meant death. If the village did not punish the violation the gods would punish the entire village. That could be a tsunami or a volcano eruption. So if someone had violated a taboo everybody were supposed to kill that person. However it was possible to escape to a Honaunau and have forgiveness. That ritual was performed by a shaman – called a Kahuna. After the ritual the person was normally permitted to return to the village after a week.

We spend the whole day on this Honaunau and I personally experience a very strong contact to the energy at the place.

Initiation Day
As usual, we started the day at the Coconuts Islands, and I felt the sense of excitement among participants. This was the day of initiation and we were supposed to have the symbols. It is always a special day of the training, a day of celebration. After the initiation process we moved to Kalapama Beach.  Black lava beach – a place close to where the lava erupting volcano flows directly into the sea.  A fascinating landscape in its own way.

Kauai – 3rd Eye
On the 5th day of the seminar, we visited the Big Island that is called Kauai Island, which is often compared with the chakra third eye. We had lived simple and nice at Uncle Billy´s Hotel and had not expected the luxury on Kauai. And now we had to go out of that comfort zone. We were invited to spend a night on the beach as part of the seminar. We settled in the hotel and in the afternoon met to choose a place for a night of meditation.  I had a sleeping bed with me. I found the right job, but was still in doubt. The idea of spending the night in meditation – alone – in the dark – in the open air seemed to me not very attractive.

We were pleasantly impressed with the luxurious hotel right on the beach. During the training the trainers have offered to spend the night on the beach in meditation. I had doubts about the idea, though, and brought with her from Norway sleeping bag.

Fear of the dark
We met at 23:00 and went to the beach together. The street was very dark. I felt an inner resistance. One of the participants requested me to participate in this meditation. “You should not do that.” “No, I should.” Okay, I admit it, I’m afraid of the dark. But if I survive this night, then maybe I can get rid of this fear. After more internal dialog I decided to go through it. Who is in charge? Me or the fear? I decided to get the most out of it.

And it became a very good night. No dark spirits come and took me. My only company were the stars and my Higher Mind. Of course I had moments where I got scared and used my knowledge from the Akasha Trainings to take me through it. Jack Makani is right when he says “The world is inside you”. Yes the world was inside me.

It was in the morning I really experienced what Hawaii is so well known for the sunrise. My fear for the darkness has died and I can celebrate with the miracle of nature; the sunrise. So let me take this opportunity to repeat this statement; YOU GET WHAT YOU FOCUS ON.  In the second half we gathered to share our experience. In the evening Helene talked about the Enneagram and spirituality.

Kalalau trail
On the 7th day of the training we visited Napali Coast – the Napali trail. According to ancient Hawaiian myths that when a Kahuna´s had finished the training on Molokai they walked the Napali Trail and during that journey they were guided by their sprit were to go and complete their duty.

I decided to hike the first 3 kilometers until a crossing the river. My goal was simple. I spend the day alone listening to my intuition and clarify them for future. The path was life itself, very diverse, sometimes harsh and unpredictable. I am a Norwegian and used to walk in mountains. I reached the first hilltop and had a fascination view.
I was going fast and already tired. But by a strange magic, the longer I was going I was feeling more energized. I was feeling like I can keep going. I took lots of photos and almost losing my camera when I was crossing a small stream. I decided to put my camera into my backpack and when I raised my head I look directly at one of the most poisonous spiders in the world – the Black Widow hanging half a meter above my head. I hurry up to move on and away from the spider. After one and a half hours walk I arrived at the crossing river – the purpose of my trip.

I crossd the river and get a lot of mud upon my legs. I found the stone on which I can sit down and eat. I stayed there for half hour thinking about how far I am from Norway. I was sitting on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I had the rainforest behind and the most dangerous waves in front. Those waves have killed 87 tourists the last few years so I am not tempted to swim out into the sea.
On the way back I get company with one of the other participants. We have been together on most of the Akasha trainings and know each other very well. Our return trip gave us a fantastic experience.  She is like me a professional Master Coach. My goal for the hike was to become much clearer of the future. And while we are walking she asks the questions and I answer back. She is very fast and so am I. So my inner answers pub up inside like pearls on a string. And things gets more and much clearer for me. We appreciated each other’s for the company and our spontaneous “coaching on the trail.” All the participants have returned safe and sound, and we spend an hour swimming in the safe bay. Then we return to the hotel. On the way back we stopped at a small village for a snack.

Healing in praxis
On the last day of the training we practiced the healing session called healing in praxis. I was little sad because time flew by so quickly. Nevertheless, I liked healing practices. On this day, the whole experience of the training was integrated. It was like a puzzle where everything was settled on the right place inside me. During the training Jack made a demonstration session with a client. In the evening we had dinner together and say goodbye.

During those 8 days we had come close to each other. As usual when Jack and Helene were teaching there was high ceilings and room for everybody. There were participants from beginning to experience level. I would like to thank everybody. It was my pleasure to be together with you and this seminar took me a number of steps ahead. I hoped to see you all at the next Akasha Training.

It was a long way to travel to Hawaii and I would have done it again. All Akasha seminars are different and great in their own way. Akasha Hawaii is very experimental, safe and exciting even if you travel alone like me. My wish with this travel letter is to share with you some of my experience from Hawaii and also make you a little more curious for Akasha Trainings. And most of all to inspire you to go for your dreams and make them real – make them come true.


Hugs, healing and Aloha

Mina Kristoffersen

NLP and Enneagram Trainer, HR Coach, Holistic Coach, Enneagram Coach